Sunday Services Are In-Person & Available Online

Our in-person 10:30am Sunday worship service has returned. If you would like to reserve a socially distanced seat within our sanctuary please let us know by emailing: Otherwise, just come! Sunday worship is always available online. To view our online worship services please visit our Sermons page each Sunday. The video of the morning Read more about Sunday Services Are In-Person & Available Online[…]

Sunday Worship, August 16, 2020

CLICK HERE to view our recorded worship service for Sunday, August 16, 2020. We will celebrate Communion during the service, so please gather the things you need before you begin. To get access to the Lifeway Kids videos and resources for your children go to and login/register.

Sunday Worship, July 12, 2020

CLICK HERE to view our recorded worship service for Sunday, June 28, 2020. We will celebrate Communion during the service, so please gather the things you need before you begin. To get access to the Lifeway Kids videos and resources for your children go to and login/register.

Sunday Worship, June 14, 2020

CLICK HERE to view our recorded worship service for Sunday, June 14, 2020. We will share Communion together during the service, so you may want to gather some bread and fruit of the vine before you begin. To get access to the Lifeway Kids videos and resources for your children go to and login/register.